how far fetched is the subject

Has anyone seen the History Channel of EL CHAPO?
Drug pin in Mexico that spread poisonist junk all over .
Why stupid people would buy that junk is beyond understanding.
Look at Ray Charles being on celebrities get drugs thrown at them all the time.
Ray Charles, battled heroin addiction for many years.
Ray Charles died from liver failure and hepatitis C,
What drug was Ray Charles addicted to?
Charles was arrested again on a narcotics charge on November 14, 1961,
while waiting in an Indiana hotel room before a performance. The
detectives seized heroin, marijuana and other items. Charles, then 31,
stated that he had been a drug addict since the age of 16.
Ray Charles Robinson (September 23, 1930 – June 10, 2004)
So think about it -here someone that been use hard drugs since 1946.
The point I am try to make is couldnt anything be possible.
Jean Soutre – Lucien Sarti – Christian David – Corsian Gang France –

GROUP  Whose Members Included : Francois Rosssi, Benzo Rogas and Francois Chiappe

Lucien Sarti traveled company Jean Paul Angeletti and pilot Julio Lujan (flew them to Mexico and South America (all over), Lucien Sarti telephoned Armando Nicolai.
Have you ve heard about these men during the 1960s?
The French Connection is a 1971 Gene Hackman and Roy Scheider.
Illegal heroin labs were first discovered near Marseille, France, in 1937.
These labs were run by Corsican
gang leader Paul Carbone. refined in Corsican laboratories in Marseille,
. According to William Friedkin, Jehan had been a member of the French
Resistance to Nazi
Occupation during World War II because of that, French law enforcement
officials refused to arrest him. Friedkin was told that Jehan died peacefully
at home in Corsica from old age.
Gangsters linked with the French Connection
Unione Corse members

Paul Carbone
Marcel Francisci
Antoine Guérini
Barthélemy Guérini
Paul Mondoloni
Joseph Corsini
Francois Spirito

Jacques Anjubeau from french TV show of the 1970 was the one arrested in NYC.
Vic Cotroni, leader of the Cotroni crime family of Montreal and capo/boss of the
Montreal faction of the Bonanno .
American mobsters

Vito Agueci, gangster from New York
Albert Agueci, Agueci Brothers
Carmine Galante, Bonanno Crime Family Gangster
Joseph Bonanno, Bonanno Crime Family Boss

Lucchese crime family members

Giovanni “Big John” Ormento, a capo involved in large scale narcotic trafficking [8]
Salvatore Lo Proto, an important member of Big John’s narcotic trafficking ring [9]
Angelo M. Loiacano, wholesaler of Big John Ormento’s narcotic trafficking ring [10]
Angelo “Little Angie” Tuminaro, an associate, involved in narcotic trafficking [8][11]
Pasquale “Patsy” Fuca, nephew to Tuminaro, involved in the narcotic trade [8]
Anthony DiPasqua, was a narcotic trafficker [8]
Vincent Papa, was the mastermind behind the “Stealing of the French Connection”
Anthony Loria, partner with Vincent Papa in the “Stealing of the French Connection”
William Friedkin, The French Connection (1971)
Francis Ford Coppola, The Godfather (1972)
Ridley Scott, American Gangster (2007)

Lucien Sarti alias : 1. Roberto Sconomiglio 2.Lucien Sanchez 3.Jean -Adolphe Vigne -4.Antonio Francisci- Serra

Lucien Sarti -common law wife : Liliana Rous Viallet – Daughter – Veronique

[Lucien Sarti was identified by his daughter first name.]

Lucien Sarti – Joseph Ricord (64) Organization had collapsed.

Lucien Sarti traveled & register in Hotel / Motel he registered under {alias} different names..
Lucien Sarti was officially killed by Mexican police in Mexico City
on 27th April, 1972.Lucien Sarti Birth:1931, Croatia Corsica, France
Death: Apr. 28, 1972, Mexico (Liliana Rous Viallet /Veronique sent back France)
1968: On April 19, 1968, Sarti was arrested along with fellow Corsicans
Auguste Joseph Ricord and Francois Chiappe for questioning regarding
the robbery of a branch of the National Bank of Argentina.
1972: A detective in Rio de Janeiro was later suspended from the police
force after being accused of accepting a bribe to free Sarti and Helena
Ferreira, his girlfriend, from jail earlier in 1972.
1972: In April 1972, Sarti was shot to death in Mexico City during a police
raid of a drug trafficking ring.
According to jailed French mobster, Christian David, Kennedy
was shot by three Corsican assassins. David Christian admit that the contract first mentioned to him but was given to Sarti but David Christian sure knew a lot about the scenario in Dallas Texas to be just a bystander and do you really think that Sarti would of told David everything that went on in Dallas Texas ?David named the deceasedSarti as one of the gunmen and offered to reveal the identities ( other 2 ) of the others if he was given his freedom.
As a result of his research Stephen Rivele came to the conclusion
that the plot to kill Kennedy involved Antoine Guerini, Carlos Marcello,
Santos Trafficante and Lucien Sarti.(Rivele still felt David may a part in it ?)
Now you wonder why Gerry P Hemming and Tosh Plumlee would bring
in Drugs into our Country ? Gerry Hemming was arrested on August 23,
1976 for the illegal transfer of a silencer and drug smuggling.
Gerald Patrick “Gerry” Hemming, Jr. (March 1, 1937 – January 28, 2008)
Frank(Angelo Fiorini) Anthony Sturgis (December 9, 1924 – December 4, 1993),
Now when think about it does it really sound so far fetched ?
Julio Pestonit told the that the men who fled with him in a boat in April 1961
swore to carry their secret to the grave. Jose Enrique Dausa, one of the 12 survivors
of the 22 occupants of the boat. Dausa, who was a leader of Brigade 2506
at the time, said Pestonit’s account “is an open secret among the members
of the brigade.” According to Dausa, the 22 raiders escaped from Playa
Giron, the invasion beach, aboard a boat called Celia. After 16 days in the
water, they were rescued by a U.S. cargo ship in the Gulf of Mexico, near the
mouth of the Mississippi River. Jose Enrique Dausa, mentioned in some editions Thursday
as one of the 22 Cuban exile fighters aboard a boat that drifted at sea 16
days after the failed Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961, issued a statement Thursday to clarify a report ofcannibalism among the 12 survivors. “The truth is . . . that four membersof that group on the boat did not participate in that act of cannibalism,” Dausa said. He identified the four as himself, Nelson Torrado, Armando Lopez Estrada and Angel Gonzalez.Another survivor, Julio Pestonit, had disclosed the incident in an interview .

(22 men -bay pigs – cubans -in boat -hated blamed jfk -is it SmokeGun (a piece of incontrovertible incriminating evidence.) motive agenda against Jfk? )
Inside Fidel Castro’s double life as a drug kingpin For 17 years, Juan
Reinaldo Sanchez served as a bodyguard.Arnaldo T. Ochoa Sánchez (1930
in Cacocum, Cuba – July 13, 1989) was a prominent Cuban general who was
executed by the government of Fidel Castro after being found guilty of a
variety of crimes including drug smuggling and treason.
Now what is your oppinion on the TOPIC can you add any more to the subject?

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